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Odile Limpach, Matthes Lindner


Why indies should go to Gamescom


Gamescom, the annual trade fair for video games held in Cologne, Germany, stands as a monumental event in the gaming industry calendar. With its massive scale, diverse audience, and a platform to showcase the latest creations, Gamescom offers unparalleled opportunities for game developers, both large and small. However, attending such a large event also presents challenges, particularly for Indie game developers. In this article, we will discuss some of the pros and cons of going to Gamescom as an Indie developer. And we will provide recommendations on how to navigate the chaos that is Gamescom effectively.


Gamescom can provide exposure and visibility. It is the world’s largest games event that draws in media, gamers, and industry professionals from all over the world. The hundreds of thousands of visitors and numerous streamers, press and media representatives, provide an immense exposure that can lead to significant visibility for Indie game. However, the danger of being lost among too many announcements make it particularly important to target very precisely your communication. Also applying for the several awards can be a good way to gain visibility.

Beyond potential players for your game, the event also brings together a multitude of developers, publishers, investors, and industry supporters, thus offering great networking opportunities. For Indie developers, this is a chance to connect with potential partners, collaborators, and even secure funding for their projects. Get your trade visitor ticket and enter the b2b area of Gamescom to forge new connections. Also, the numerous evening events are a good way of extending your personal network.

The Gamescom can also serve as a live testing ground for your games. If you get a booth in one of the Indie Game Areas (e.g. Home of Indies, Indie Arena Booth, etc.), you can let people play your game and gather feedback directly from players, which can be invaluable for refining your game and making necessary improvements. Here you should well define in advance what you want to test and be prepared to hear all kind of feedbacks.

Moreover there is a host of opportunities to attend talks, panels, and workshops by industry experts.  These sessions are very valuable to hear about the latest industry trends, marketing strategies, and game development techniques.


Participating in Gamescom can be financially draining, especially for Indie developers with limited resources. You may consider paying for a booth and its design, as well as for some marketing materials. But don’t underestimate travel, accommodation and personal expenses, as everything in Cologne becomes infinitely more expensive during the golden week of Gamescom. The sheer size and intensity of Gamescom can be overwhelming, particularly for young developers who might not be accustomed to such large-scale events. It's easy to get lost in the crowd if not adequately prepared. It is better not to go than going without a solid strategy and a less-than-ideal presentation and or prototype.


Our recommendations for a successful Gamescom participation are to thoroughly plan your participation, considering all costs involved and ensuring you have a clear budget allocation for the event. As Indie developers, you can also sometimes find opportunities to share accommodations, or even exhibition spaces through your local clusters, accelerators, or dedicated programs. Plan in advance to make sure you can take advantage of these offers. And make no mistake: This will be a costly experience nonetheless.


If you are at Gamescom to talk business, book your meetings beforehand – ideally 2 months or more in advance. Important people’s calendars fill up very quickly and most trade visitors do not plan any impromptu meetings during the event. To overcome the competition, your booth and presentation need to stand out. Creativity in booth design, eye-catching visuals, and fun merch can attract attention amidst the visual noise. Concentrate on delivering a memorable gameplay experience. While flashy trailers are important, the core of your game's appeal lies in how it plays. Prioritize providing playable demos to attendees.

Be ready to actively engage with attendees, fellow developers, and media. You will have to bring a lot of social energy to the fair. Between all the noise, meaningful interactions lead to the best chances for collaborations, partnerships, and even valuable press coverage.

Be open to feedback and observe how players interact with your game. Note their reactions, concerns, and suggestions. This information can help you refine your game post-event.

Meeting at Gamescom is great to build authentic first impressions, but it’s not where you will sign any contracts. Instead, use Gamescom as an opportunity to initiate relationships that you then follow up on afterwards.

Post-event, have a strategy for capitalizing on the exposure gained. Utilize social media, mailing lists, and your game's website to keep your audience engaged and informed.

Gamescom's colossal platform can be a double-edged sword for Indie game developers. While the event offers unmatched exposure, networking opportunities, and invaluable feedback, it also comes with the challenges of costs, competition, and overwhelming expectations. By meticulously planning their participation, focusing on standout presentations, engaging with attendees, and absorbing feedback, Indie developers can navigate Gamescom's complexities effectively. With the right strategy and determination, Indie developers can harness the power of Gamescom to propel their creations onto the global gaming stage.
